Inoculum of Mycorrhizae
TARGET: Stimulation of root system, better absorption of nutrients, increases plant’s ability to react in stressful situations caused for example by larval stages of insects in the soil.
Registered office: Via F. Guarini 15
47121 Forlì (FC)
Phone: +39 0543 780600
Xeda Italia has its greatest assets in its technical commercial collaborators on the national territory. People with great experience, professionalism and a proactive approach towards the customer and the market.
CAMYLLO is a specific formulation for root applications, made of mycorrhizae and antagonistic microorganisms with high enhancing properties. Mycorrhizae increase the number of early roots and guarantee a higher growth and development, increasing mineral nutrient absorption like nitrogen, potassium and magnesium, especially those with a slow diffusion in soil (soluble phosphates, zinc, and boron). The Bacillaceae in the product, B. amyloliquefaciens and B. lentus, promote root growth and increase plant production through: inhibition of the activity of pathogen microorganisms in the rhizosphere, increase of availability and absorption of nutrients, increase of the efficacy of uptake and use of nitrogen, decrease and inactivation of toxic compounds or inhibitors of root development, production of stimulating substances (enzymes, growth factors and natural hormones, vitamins). The use of CAMYLLO ensures soil fertility and nutrition efficiency, promoting better health conditions
of the rhizosphere to the detriment of plant inhibitors and pathogen microorganisms that attack the root system and the root crown like Pythium spp., Fusarium spp., Botrytis spp., Sclerotinia spp., Rizoctonia spp. and Verticilium spp. and of microorganisms in crop residues (in field and on seeds) like Alternaria spp, Colletotrichum and Pseudomonas. The presence of more species of Bacillus spp. guarantees a very quick action while the liquid formulation allows the application of the product with all the type of equipment.